Audit and assurance
Auditing is so much more than compliance with statutory requirements. It is not so much a question of right and wrong, but more a matter of how a business can best respond to identified risks and weaknesses. In this sense, auditing can not only fulfil statutory obligations but also provide valuable insights and recommendations, thus generating genuine added value. We achieve this by employing the following means:
Audit requirements are constantly changing. We therefore find ourselves in a continuous process of improvement. Our quality assurance system is based on the IFAC “International Standards on Auditing” and thus complies with the highest international quality assurance standards in our profession. As an internationally recognised standard setter, IFAC monitors compliance with international quality standards.
Our audit reports, certificates and expert opinions give you and any interested parties (shareholders, banks, customers, suppliers, employees etc.) the requisite confidence in the figures relating to your business. Decisions can thus be taken on the basis of reliable figures.
Our auditors and assistant auditors have in-depth theoretical knowledge and many years of practical experience in auditing. We are convinced that continuing education and training is paramount in our professions.
Audit & Assurance services
- Statutory audits of annual financial statements
- Examination of the annual accounts
- Examination of managements regularity
- Special audits required by law or clients
- Internal audit examination and reports
- IT system audits
- Due diligence
- Examination of risk management/internal control system
- Company and assets valuations
- Project Management
Member of AHK

Member of AHK Czech